We are more than Just a Profile!
No perfect match promises, but we guarantee you’ll never deal with bots, fake profiles, or a catfish. We are introducing an interactive dating app for people looking for genuine connections. A dating app that focuses on establishing a foundation of trust and respect.

Find your CandiDATE
Get serious, take it easy, or go slowly, You are in control of finding that special someone and are no longer at the mercy of an app algorithm.

Dating with Benefits
We make your first meeting enjoyable with the steps you need to take to guard your heart when meeting your potential connection, wherever it may take you.

Confident Dating
"Great if it works out," but "it's no big deal if it doesn’t." No need to ghost someone! Just follow every step of the way, and we will make every meeting a pleasant experience for everyone.
Making a Connection with Real People is No Longer Difficult.
We're here to assist you in navigating the virtual world safely so you can discover that one person who can make you laugh your heart out and give you something to believe in.
Finding a perfect match is not as simple as swiping left and right, or even if they promised you that your match was waiting for you. This is particularly true when you struggle to differentiate genuine individuals from those who are scammers, bots, or catfish.
At Game of Hearts, real people make up each account, bringing a high-quality experience and a deep level of connection to our users.
Regardless of the type of connection you are interested in—friendship, romance, marriage, situational, or long-term relationships—at Game of Hearts, finding a connection is safe and fun.
Find your CandiDATE
First Meetings Are No Longer Awkward Moments!
Say goodbye to awkward moments and feeling uncomfortable on your first dates. We created all kinds of dating quizzes exclusively for our users to make their first meeting fun and exciting from start to finish. The outcome will leave you looking forward to the next meeting.
Join us and discover a unique dating app that feels like having a personal dating coach by your side.
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